
The primary Stetson entry point is Stetson.configure which returns a default configuration which can then be overriden using either the functions provided or by editing the record manually.

  # Stetson.port 8080
  # Stetson.bindTo 0 0 0 0
  # Stetson.startClear "http_listener"


Stetson.startClear "http_listener"
  $ Stetson.configure { bindPort = 8080
                      , bindAddress = tuple4 0 0 0 0

Either method is comparable and down to preference and whether you wish to create erlang datatypes yourself.

The final step is to startClear (or other start methods such as startTls), which with a name kicks off the server with the configuration that was just built.

Very much like with Pinto, these options have as much as possible been taken 1-1 from the underlying library (Cowboy) so the documentation can be followed on the Cowboy docs rather than duplicated here with different terminology.

It’s all reasonably discoverable (the advantage of typed records in Purerl over grab-bag maps in Erlang (specced or otherwise), if anything is missing feel free to file an issue against Stetson (or even a pull request) - a lot of this functionality has been written and continues to be written on a very much on an on-demand basis.