
Obviously the short answer to this page is use vim but if you’re already set in your ways then you can carry on reading this page.

The majority of our team are using the language server protocol, although PSC-IDE does exist.

With Language Server

The purescript-language-server needs installing somewhere, and the following packages need to be present in emacs (again, all available in Melpa).

lsp-mode has support for Purescript built in, and just needs spinning up for purescript-mode

(add-hook 'purescript-mode-hook #'lsp)

Further docs for this are worth reading, I’m not an Emacs user so YMMV.

Feel free to send me a pull request for this page if you have a good Emacs set up based on either of the above, as I find both of these default setups to be distinctly lacking and don’t know enough about Emacs to fix it.

Example configs